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We love our teens and we care about their future. We want to equip them with the tools to tackle life with gusto. Good manners are imperative to successful adults. Our life skills training teaches teens how to handle themselves in all adult  situations.

The teen years are a challenging developmental period. Teen brains are not fully developed and won't be until they hit the ages of twenty or twenty two. Because of their lack of brain development, teens are often unable to assess risk and can unwisely choose to take part in dangerous behaviors. Older teens haven't developed their adult making skills and impulse control but look like adults. Younger teens can be swayed by their peers negatively and choose behaviors that help them to "fit in", but go against their better judgment. 

As grown-up as they look, teenagers can make very impetuous, childish, and cruel choices. Here at You GLOW Girl, we outfit teenagers with the tools to make appropriate choices and the consequences of destructive actions. 

Role modeling and discussing proper etiquette and social skills gives teens the tools they need to help form good decisions and perhaps see the bigger picture.

Inside of every girl there is a light ready to SHINE!

You GLOW Girl is a life skills training program designed to thoroughly prepare teen girls, ages 13-19 for the adult world.  We are here to equip them to "Release and Glow."

Our focus is teaching proper skills that will increase self-confidence in social skills and their roles as compassionate, caring human beings, and to mold them into Gorgeous Ladies Of Worth. 

This training group is for girls who want to:

  • Identify the importance of etiquette and manners

  • Increase and develop a healthy sense of self-awareness

  • Pursue a higher education after high school

  • Create an award winning resume

  • Ace an interview

  • Improve Social Skills

  • Get great leadership skills

  • Master money management

  • Learn how to handle stress

  • Dress for Success

  • Make a lasting impression

  • Learn the Do's of dating

  • Improve dining skills

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